1499 photos

Displayed on this page is a small sampling of my photographs. More photos can be found in "All My Photos" and are broken down by subject or place. (I have yet to transfer my photographs from film, so there are many that are not shown here yet.)

Here on this website you will find photographs of what has captured my eye at any given point in time, wherever I might have been. I have included photographs that are of interest for various reasons - humor, fun, "moments," places of interest, etc. (Please note that my photographs are not digitally altered to create false colors.) As you may be able to tell, I tend to shoot full-frame. This does not leave a lot of room for cropping or for certain sizes to print because it cuts off some of the picture. I will be making an effort to note the appropriate sizes in the ordering section, but that will take some time.

I always live with the thought that if I had the time to stay in one place for a bit and really study it and pursue the "perfect" picture, I would have photographs similar to those of others that I so admire - more professional. However, life does not come to us that way, and there is some excitement in literally "capturing the moment" that one sees traveling the road of life they are on.

Comments that have struck me (by surprise) from people who recently saw my photographs for the first time were: "I look at things around me differently now," and "Your photographs make me feel so calm and peaceful."

So, I am happy to finally have a website, and grateful to all those who urged me for so long to make one. And thank you for visiting!

Carolyn Davis